
Aarogya Holisitc and Functional Medicine
We specialize in wellness optimization. We have partnered with cutting-edge health tech companies to provide the best patient-centered experience for local and telehealth patients alike. We perform consultations and can perform diagnostic lab testing through our partners. We can also integrate with your current health team or get you established with one to meet your health goals.
Bartoletti Dental
We are a small family dental practice located in the heart of the Ruby Valley. We focus on whole health working with each individual to obtain a healthy oral environment free from tooth decay and gum disease.
Guardian Group (Home Park Assisted Living)
Home Park Assisted Living is owned and operated by Tony and Emily Simonsen. Tony and Emily are third generation Ruby Valley residents. Having deep roots in the Ruby Valley, they feel it is their mission to help care for the aging members of the community by having a place where they are treated like family and can call home. They live on the property and spend a part of nearly every day socializing with residents.
Rotary Club of the Ruby Valley
The Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Sheridan Community Charitable Foundation
SCCF (Sheridan Community Charitable Foundation) is a Non-Profit 501-c3. Their mission is to raise money to update local parks in Sheridan. They also are committed to carrying on Sheridan Days for future years to come.
Sheridan Senior Center
The Senior Center offers meals for seniors 60 years and older, Monday through Friday. Seniors may choose to eat at the Center, family style, or choose delivery by Meals on Wheels, within the city limits.
Town of Sheridan
Welcome to the Town of Sheridan! “The Heart of the Ruby Valley”. We are defined less by boundaries on a map than by the sense of shared values our residents hold dear. We take pride in maintaining a wholesome lifestyle, rich in cultural history, along with a deep commitment to the preservation of our environment and a progressive approach to local business.
Twin Bridges Helping Hands Food Pantry
We have on-hand canned, boxed and packages of staple items. Milk, Eggs, Bread. More. Up above Twin Bridges Library also where the Clothes Closet is set up.
Twin Bridges Schools
Where students come first. The core purpose of Twin Bridges Public Schools is to: Prepare each student to be productive members of society by maximizing the potential of and opportunities afforded each student in a safe, inspiring, and supportive environment.
Earthlight Equine, LLC
Equine Facilitated Learning & Coaching - life coaching sessions utilizing the horse-human connection.
Jackson's Garden, Inc.
Jackson's Garden is beautiful flower and vegetable garden created so that all may experience nature and beauty in a peaceful setting, now and for future generations.
Ruby Valley Healthcare Foundation
The Ruby Valley Healthcare Foundation will be here today and tomorrow to sustain the Ruby Valley Medical Center in Sheridan. We help fund programs, services and medical equipment. Each and every contribution is important to the success of the Ruby Valley Medical Center.
Sheridan Fire Department
Sheridan Fire Department is a volunteer service for the town of Sheridan, MT.
Sheridan Swimming Pool (Sheridan Alder Park Recreation District)
Open in the summer months mid-June through Labor Day and located on East Poppleton Street, diagonally across the street from the Sheridan High School. The pool offers lap swimming, water aerobics, swim lessons/classes, open swim, swim team, and many other activities for all ages.
Town of Twin Bridges
Welcome to the Town of Sheridan! “The Heart of the Ruby Valley”. We are defined less by boundaries on a map than by the sense of shared values our residents hold dear. We take pride in maintaining a wholesome lifestyle, rich in cultural history, along with a deep commitment to the preservation of our environment and a progressive approach to local business.
Twin Bridges Kid Country Daycare, Inc.
We provide safe, affordable, high quality care for children in the Sheridan area community for children ages six weeks to six years old. In doing so, the facility supports the families reach their goals and is committed to the families we serve. The New Kids on the Block provides a safe and stimulating early learning and child care experience which promotes each child's social/emotional, physical, and cognitive development. Nonprofit 501(c)
Twin Bridges Senior & Community Center
Serving Ruby Valley Seniors, Community Members, Residents, Visitors, and Guests. Lunch for seniors MWF. Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. A great place to gather for special events. Assistance with some health care needs and information.
Anderson-Simpson Post 89 American Legion
Chartered in 1920 and provides Veteran's Services and Honors in Montana's Ruby Valley, including Sheridan, Laurin, Alder, Nevada City, and Virginia City.
Grace Community Fellowship
We are God’s servants sharing, caring and seeking the will of God through the Spirit of God according to the Word of God.
Madison County Nursing Homes Foundation
Solicits funds through gifts, grants, fundraisers, and memberships to enhance and perpetuate healthcare within the Madison Valley Manor and the Tobacco Root Mountains Care Center Facilities.
Ruby Valley Medical Center
The Ruby Valley Medical Clinics located in Sheridan and Twin Bridges provides a wide-range of healthcare diagnostic and well-health services including school/sports physicals, DOT/CDL physicals, well-baby and well-child exams, cryotherapy, comprehensive geriatric assessments, women's healthcare, excision of benign lesions, casting & splinting, suturing of minor lacerations, life insurance exams, medication injections and evaluation and treatment of mental health concerns. Walk-ins are welcome for most services.
Sheridan School District #5
Our mission is to ensure a safe learning environment - Welcome curiosity and instill confidence - Promote personal responsibility - Broaden opportunities for all interests - Model and teach tolerance - Encourage service to others - Deliver a well-balanced curriculum that includes technological, creative, and physical discipline - And, most importantly, provide a place to belong.
Thompson-Hickman Madison County Library
Thompson-Hickman County Library was built in 1918 and dedicated to the County of Madison County in 1923 in Virginia City, MT. Home of the Dick Pace Archives. We have a large collection of fiction (Best Sellers & most popular), non-fiction, children and Montana history books as well as a large magazine, audio book, and DVD collection.
Twin Bridges Community Association
Nonprofit organization that strives to enhance the lives of people who call Twin Bridges "home" as well as those who visit, through beautification efforts, promoting our amenities, planning and supporting healthy events and activities that provide economic growth and entertainment for the community.
Twin Bridges Public Library
The Twin Bridges Public Library believes in providing opportunities for our community that inspire learning, creativity, and connection. By providing programs, technology and tools, and a place for people to gather, the library strives to foster a community space where all belong.
Valley Assembly Church
Our church exists to love and glorify Jesus and connect people with Him.